Kalt wie Eis – Original Soundtrack (1981)


REFLEKTOR Z – 0060.459, GERMANY, 1981

Used vinyl. Clean but with some light scratches. Plays partly with vintage vinyl noises. DEPENDENCE, the important tune plays EXCELLENT, very useful, DJ-friendly shape on this part! The cover shows signs of age and ugly sticker damage but looks nice in general. The cover picture is a generic one, has nothing to do with the actual offer.

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Various ‎
Kalt wie Eis

Reflektor Z ‎– 0060.459

Cold as ice! A soundtrack compilation album with German New Wave, Synth-Pop, and Electronic music by artists like Klaus Schulze, Blixa Bargeld, Extrabreit, Neon Babies, Malaria, and others. There is one tune that is very exclusive and highly towering. It’s called DEPENDENCE, made by P1/E a band or much more an “open project” which has released only one little 7″ single.


A1Tempo Kalt Wie Eis2:49
A2Mekanik Destruektiw Komandoe Kreuzberg Ist So Wundervoll1:02
A3Bea Secretary Life2:59
A4Klaus Schulze Some Velvet Phasing6:54
A5Christopher Laird Green Country3:53
A6Extrabreit Allegro Für Annemarie2:01
A7Blixa Bargeld Skorbut Song0:56
B1Bea The Outlaw3:54
B2Neonbabies Hawaii4:11
B3Neonbabies Spaß Muß Sein2:19
B4P1/E Dependence2:14
B5Thomas Voburka Romance Adieu3:12
B6Malaria! Kämpfen Und Siegen2:46
B7Tempo Sector2:47
  • Compiled By [Album-kopplung]- Ingo Schantz
  • Engineer- Jon Caffery
  • Executive-producer- Peter Hauke