Florian Poser’s Lifeline ‎– Florian Poser’s Lifeline (1980)


PLÄNE – 88222, GERMANY, 1980

Clean and very carefully used. Great sound! Some light vintage vinyl background noises are only between the tunes to discover. Please listen to SAMBA CARAMBA via my YouTube upload below. What you hear is what you get, the sound file comes from this copy! The cover looks very nice. From front and backside. But there is edge wear, one side is pierced one the edge. See pictures.

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Florian Poser’s Lifeline
Florian Poser’s Lifeline

Pläne ‎– 88222

Groovy Jazz vibes from Oldenburg on this debut album by Florian Poser’s Lifeline. Brilliant jazz group led by composer, vibraphone and marimba player Florian Poser. Contains SAMBA CARAMBA and many other great tunes and plenty of dope open drum breaks.


A1Rainy Feelings5:51
A2Blue Snake3:38
B1Take It Easy5:19
B2Samba Caramba5:18
  • Bass- Ede Brumund-Rüther
  • Drums, Percussion- Clemens Wernsperger
  • Guitar- Manfred Jestel
  • Producer- Ulrich Maske
  • Saxophone- Manfred Seegers
  • Vibraphone, Instruments [Marimbaphone]- Florian Poser